Thursday, August 28, 2008

More Flocking Fun

Things got a bit crazy in the flocking business tonight. The Sanfords sent their set of beauties to their grandparents, who will surely be thrilled about the treat tomorrow morning. One problem: One of their birds has had an amputation. Yep, she lost a leg. The Fairfield Flockers had to cruise back by the original location to collect the missing leg. YIKES!

The Klein family sent their happy little flock out west -- back across Mason to the Schneider family. Theirs is quite the hoppin', social cul-de-sac, so I'm sure "The Girls" will be met with great excitement in the morning. There are only about 200 kids living in that cul-de-sac, so it should be fun!!

The Fairfield Flamingo Migratory Council is keeping a close eye on the Gulf, with a Category 10 hurricane bearing down on Houston, bringing with it 300 mph winds (if you listen to the Weatherman), we're going to need to be on top of things over the weekend. Rest-assured, we will not evacuate -- at least without our birds!!

Have a great weekend!

-- The Flamingo Flockers

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